Sponsor a Child


For $50/month you help provide for the needs of our children by funding:

  • A loving home staffed by Christ-centered house parents

  • Access to healthcare in our clinic

  • Spiritual formation provided by our Franciscan Sisters

  • Food and daily living necessities

  • Education expenses (uniform and materials)

When you begin your sponsorship, you will receive:

  • A photograph of your sponsored child

  • A informational letter about your sponsored child

  • A secure login to view periodic updates about your child

  • Personalized communication in the Fall and Spring

*To maintain our children’s privacy, profiles and pictures are only open to current sponsors. Below you can see a brief introduction to the children who are currently in need of sponsorship.

Children currently in need of sponsorship:

D- 11 Years old- Male

Interests: Picking mango, playing soccer and going to the beach

Wants to be a chef when he grows up

LO- 13 years old, male

Interests: Soccer and swimming in the ocean, lions, and good jokes

Wants to be a Police Officer when he grows up

R- 7 years old, Female

Interests: Playing, coloring and dolls

Current likes: Listening to the Frozen soundtrack and learning to count

S- 6 years old, Female

Interests: Playing on the slide and reading

Wants to be a hairstylist when she grows up

W- 10 years old, male

Interests: Playing soccer and climbing trees

Current likes: Bald Eagles, and playing with his youngest brother

Y- 12 years old, female

Interests: Reading fairy tales and play tag

Favorite subjects: Reading and math

D- 5 years old, Female

Interests: Coloring and singing

Favorite subjects: Art, music and learning her numbers

E- 6 years old, male

Interests: Climbing trees and eating mangos
Favorite Animals: Squirrels

Wants to be a Police Officer and Painter when he grows up

L- 4 years old, Male

Interests: Paw Patrol, animals and cuddling

He can’t wait to join his sisters at school and loves playing with others

F- 10 years old, Male

Interests: The Beach, swimming and catching fish

He is working hard to master his numbers and letters