Farm of the Child

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Accompaniment along the journey

Scripture is filled with stories of real people, like you and me. Everyday folks, who, in the very midst of their brokenness, are called by name.

Jesus didn’t (and still doesn’t) call people who are highly qualified or perfectly holy, rather He meets people right where they are, inviting them to His table, and offering them a place of belonging.

This is something we all desire: to be welcomed as we are and to receive authentic accompaniment along our journey, which is the heart of our ministry at Farm of the Child.

I am originally from Marion, Indiana - a small factory town in the central part of the state. I am the oldest of five children and the only son in my family (I have four sisters!). My family always had faith as an important part of our lives. I particularly experienced that through loving God and neighbor in direct service to the poor. 

When I first came to the Finca in the summer of 2009, I was still in seminary, and as part of seminary formation, my pastoral theology program sent a lay student and me to the Finca both to serve and to conduct research on how to minister to those who are ministering. I discovered that the entire program is a community of foster families accompanying each other in the journey, even its physical layout, is built around this model. 

The children live in cozy, separate houses - each with a Tia or house parent who provides them with loving, individualized attention. They eat and pray together, do their homework and even have little responsibilities and chores that are appropriate for their age. They have this intimate connection and then also gather together as a wider Finca community for rosary, presentations, games, and celebrations. I fell in love with this mission and ministry then and continue be in love. Farm of the Child is all about walking with our children and empowering them to dream big!

Now that I am ordained Catholic priest of the Congregation of Holy Cross, a religious order dedicated to serving the Church in parish, mission, and education, the mission of Farm of the fits perfectly with my congregation core values. As a Farm of the Child board member, I have been pleasantly surprised to see just how many people are involved in caring for the children at the Finca and ministering to the surrounding community, we all are truly fellow companions! 

There are religious Sisters, the Honduran board of directors, social workers, medical doctors, psychologists, teachers, expatriate Misioneros, Tias (house parents), the maintenance and security teams, and many, many more - especially countless numbers of people who support our work with their gifts and prayers. The poverty in Honduras is very overwhelming and the needs of our children can be too, but seeing all this love outpoured gives us a tangible expression of God's love which inspires us to continue. 

I've done work with refugees and migrants coming to the United States, many of whom are from the same area where the Farm of the Child is located, many migrants flee Honduras because of the poverty, violence, and lack of opportunities there. Nevertheless, a more stable, safe, and prosperous future begins with caring for each of God's children, especially the most vulnerable. When we are the Lord’s hands, we give people an option to stay near the people and places they love. This work inspired me to furthering my education and I recently graduated from law school and took the Indiana bar examination. 

I am clerking this year at the Florida Supreme Court in Tallahassee, FL, and while my responsibilities have increased tremendously, with God’s grace, I continue to find the time to serve this community that is so close to my heart, especially knowing that Honduras lacks a robust foster care system and sadly many orphaned and abandoned children there live in large, impersonal institutional facilities. The Farm of the Child creates a family-style environment where our children can be loved, deeply known, and grow up surrounded by people who care about them. That foundation gives our children a strong network of support that many who risk the dangerous migrant journey do not have.

There is something very unique about Farm of the Child because we serve one child at a time, helping them to grow up in a loving environment, receive a good education, and have the skills they need to thrive in adult life, especially knowing they are dearly loved by God, and YOU are an important part of this mission. A mission of accompaniment where you are a fellow traveler, bringing God to the most vulnerable. 

Please know that we are grateful for you and the support you provide to those needing a brighter day in their darkest hour of need.

Saludos en Cristo!

- Fr. Matt Kuczora, CSC